Friday, January 28, 2011

Bud – weis – er (1995 Super Bowl)

I was under 10 years old when this commercial came out but I'll never forget how popular it was. I remember my family making a big deal out of it, thinking it was just hilarious. And it still is.

So what makes this such a great ad? It's simple and repeats the brand name over and over and over. All you need is the frogs hanging out to make people laugh. Genius. Off hand, I can't think of any other commercial that does this, just repeating the brand name. I found this website interesting. It talks about the best commercials in the Super Bowl from back in the day and then talks about how that commercial would look in the year 2010. It's funny to read it now that it's 2011. According to this website (about the Budweiser frog commercial), “Due to intense cost-cutting moves after a 2008 acquisition by Belgian brewing giant InBev, one of the frogs is laid off and the two remaining amphibians lose their personal secretaries and pension plan. The “Wise” frog’s voice is dubbed in a sound studio in Vancouver by a non-union voice actor working below scale.” Just for fun, let's take a look at what Budweiser really did for their Super Bowl commercial in 2010.

So no more frogs, but still humorous. The point in this one is to show how much people love Budweiser and what they would do to get the truck into the town. I, however, prefer the simplicity of the Budweiser frogs spot. That's just something that's always going to be funny.

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