Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For a better-looking tomorrow

When asked to blog about a good over the counter medicine campaign, the first one I thought of was NyQuil. This campaign focuses on how NyQuil helps you sleep like a baby, only less cute. It's a simple message but the images are great. You got these hilarious close-ups of grown men sound asleep, tissues all around them. Not a pretty picture. The headline “For a better-looking tomorrow” works perfectly with the image. Note that the headline is the same in all three print ads. Most of the time we are told not to do that however, with different images and the same message in all three, I think it works. It's a campaign we all can relate to. Here is the commercial going along with the print ads.

Pretty much the same idea. The thing I like about the commercial is the copy at the end. “The nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep you ever got with a cold...medicine.” I think this is an interesting way to list the benefits without “listing” them. It's said in a fast and interesting way and gets straight to the point. This copy is also in the print ads, however, you don't notice it because the image explains it all. You don't really need to read further.

One thing that we struggled with in our print ads for Gelusil was listing the benefits of the product. It was hard to word it without being too wordy. For our Gelusil print ads, we had more of a complicated idea. It was creative, but made you think and read on to the body copy. In the NyQuil print, you get the message right away. It's simply showing what the product does. I'm one to like the more simple yet clever campaigns so I can't help but to love this one.

Found on Adsoftheworld

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