Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trees CAN talk!

A science magazine in Brussels (EOS) has a unique campaign out based on talking trees. What does this have to do with the magazine? The tree "talks" about its feelings and environmental issues. Want to know what a tree goes through from day to day? Check out twitter and facebook for daily updates, youtube for actual videos of a tree's point of view, or soundcloud (a music based site) for a soundtrack of a tree's life complete with passing cars, wind, birds and rain. To get the full tree experience, go to the main site for a combination of everything.

So how does anyone know what trees are really feeling? Well, the use of accessories like a co2 meter, a PH meter, a small wind turbine, a webcam, a decibel meter, an infrared camera, and a thermometer come in handy. With these tools, we get the experience of what a tree sees, hears and feels.

When you go to the main website, you get this whole experience. The facebook and twitter posts include things like "Busy doing osmosis to collect some of this tasty rain" and "Me and my friends are doing overtime filtering fine dust out of the air". These posts make you feel closer to the tree because of the humanistic nature of the posts. They are also funny and educational.

I spent my Saturday getting to know this tree. The posts, videos, pictures and soundtrack were fun and interesting. By the time I was ready to write this blog, however, I forgot what the campaign was for. There is very little branding throughout the websites. This could be a good thing as well as bad. Consumers don't want to be overloaded with branding but will they be able to connect the talking tree with EOS?

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