Sunday, September 19, 2010

The power of interactive ads

I was on adsoftheworld and these two interactive ads looked pretty neat. I always like interactive ads because I stop and actually do them. It's like a game. These two ads are for lowering energy consumption and traffic emissions. It's brilliant and unique. These two topics are usually dry and boring. Yes, I know to turn off my lights when I don't need them on...blah blah blah.. In these two ads, there's big goofy characters and at the top it says "How to lower ___?" and then tells you directions on how to fold the paper. When you fold up the ad, the image changes and the copy at the bottom changes to a simple message telling you how to lower energy consumption/traffic emissions. For example, the copy in the ad for energy consumption changes to "Switch off unused lights". It's simple and to the point instead of lecturing us about our bad habbits.

The reason why I decided to talk about these two ads is because they give me inspiration to do somethig like that in the future. If I were given these topics to create ads for, I think I would have a hard time. It's like our don't text and drive assignment. We see ads for this all the time and they are either terrifying us, pointing out everything we are doing wrong that we hear over and over again, or listing boring facts. It's typical, we see ads all the time telling us not to do something or how to save the planet. They're all the same so we stop taking them seriously. When you take information so typical as turning off your unused lights, and add a twist or game to it, people are interested. It's the only way to get them to pay attention to these kinds of topics.

I would like to do something interactive for a future project so I looked up some more of these fun ideas. I found this ad for donating blood. It's the same type of ad as the previous two. It's trying to get you to do something. The one for donating blood is not in a magazine but I think it could easily be made for that as well. There are tons of cool things you can do in magazines alone.

1 comment:

  1. I love interactive ads. I agree with you when you stated that PSA ads are boring because we see so many of them. It's nice to see that there are ads that provoke people to get involved. I believe that social media is heading in that direction and the marketing world knows it. The other thing missing is for someone/a group of people to utilize it properly. All it takes is for one idea to catch on for everyone to get the picture.
