Sunday, September 5, 2010

Pepsi Refresh Project & Verde Styles

In class we talked about the Pepsi Refresh Project and how the campaign really benefitted Pepsi. Small companies are competing for grants to help them help the planet. I'm not just talking about the Pepsi refresh project in this blog, but also the company my cousin started and how it grew into something much bigger than expected.

My cousin and his friends started a company called “Breathe Green” (now known as Verde Styles). The company started small. They had a website that one of their friends created and a few T-shirts with “green” designs that they designed themselves. Every time someone bought a T-shirt, the money goes to planting trees. One tee = one tree. When I first saw the website and the T-shirts, I thought “wow, they are serious about this”. It was just so cool to me that they were doing all this without much money. No one knew who they were yet. How could they become big enough to seriously go through with their plans? Don't get me wrong, I thought it was awesome. But I didn't think it would get as big as it did.

All of a sudden, Breathe Green got big. They changed their name to Verde Styles, changed the look of their website, and came up with more T-shirt designs along with new bags. I think what really got them well known is their Facebook page. Right now, Verde Styles has 1,690 fans of the page. People that are close friends with the founders, like myself, sport the T-shirts and it gets people talking about the cool designs. They then look it up on Facebook, because Facebook is the new google, and find the company website and order shirts. The Facebook page lets fans know what's new in merchandise and what they are doing to help the environment. Along with the Pepsi Refresh Project updates.

Their Facebook page is what made them a finalist in the Pepsi Refresh Project. Because of their Facebook statuses, people actually voted.

The reason why I'm talking about all of this is because I watched Verde Styles start off and make their company grow. I love what they are doing. I love their shirts. I love the people doing all of this. These kids are only in college and they came together to make the world a better place.

Here is the video they submitted to the Pepsi Refresh Project.

Check out their shirts at

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