Sunday, November 21, 2010

Some cool things

I was looking through adsoftheworld and came across some really cool things. This weeks blog is about what I found that might interest and inspire you guys. This one is a campaign done for stationary. Usually stationary isn't very exciting but I think this will blow your mind.

The colorful design was made of all push pins and the black and white one was all staples. Amazing. What surprises me is that all this was done just for stationary, something not so cool. This next one is a cool optical illusion. From far away it looks like there is a stain on the shirt and close up it's gone.

I thought this was a good idea because it would make people do a double take, looking at the ad a couple times, making them remember the brand. This next one is a campaign for colorectal cancer.

This is like a dare for people to send in pictures of their butts. They can send the pics to their friends via facebook and it tells them facts about colorectal cancer. First of all this is eye catching and funny. It also delivers important and serious information in a fun way. This next outdoor ad is just ridiculous. I have no idea how they constructed it.

These are only a few of the awesome campaigns I found. I'm very interested in non traditional ads and seeing what you can do in the environment. A lot of the things you see on there make you think "why haven't I thought of that".

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Meet the real Wendy

Dave Thomas was the founder of the fast food restaurant, Wendy's. He named the franchise after his daughter, Wendy. The family is now returning to Wendy's advertising by having the real Wendy in the new campaign for Dave's Hot 'N Juicy Cheeseburger, named after Dave Mr. Thomas himself. His face has been part of the brand since it was founded in 1969. This is the first time that Wendy actually appeared in any of the ads. The idea here was "who better to introduce the line than Wendy herself?". I think having the real Wendy is a good addition to the current campaign "You know when it's real" since she is the real version of the cartoon icon. Right now, they are only test marketing the new cheeseburger in Vegas. The reason why most products are tested in Vegas is because everything starts in Vegas and what happens in Vegas stays there so it's not a total flop if something goes wrong.

Anyway, I think the new real Wendy could be a good character for the brand. The cartoon Wendy icon was actually created to look like Wendy when she was a kid. I think it's clever to have her come back in advertising now and it makes the brand feel more family friendly. I know she's specifically coming into the advertising for the new campaign for the new burger but I wonder if that's gonna be it for her. I think it would be good for the brand to have her stick around for years like her father Dave did. That way the consumer can relate to the brand more and have a solid character in the campaign. If Wendy goes away after this one campaign, I don't think anyone will realize or remember who she is and it wouldn't make any difference if she made this one appearance or not.

They could of picked anyone to be the new spokesperson of Wendy's but it's so much more powerful that it's the real Wendy which is why I think it's so critical that she stays in the brand. I know when I first read this article I thought "wow that's the real Wendy!" We all know the icon but we've never seen the actual person and now she's all grown up. Anyway, I think this is a powerful boost for Wendy's marketing.

Here is a TV ad for he new campaign:

Find out more at adage and LasVegasSun

Friday, November 5, 2010

Weddings at McDonald's?

Hong Kong will be the first city in the world to have wedding services at the well known fast food restaurant, McDonald's starting January 1st. The package includes:

A baked apple pie wedding cake

Dress made out of party balloons

McDonald's catering

Couples will toast their marriage with soft drinks (since no alcohol is allowed in McDonald's)

Alright, you get the point. This just sounds and looks ridiculous. The idea came about when a couple held their wedding party at McDonald's. They met and dated at the fast food restaurant so this, in a way, made sense. I personally think it's a mixture of trashy and hilarious. I'm not sure if the whole McDonald's wedding will take off (especially without alcohol) nor do I think it would improve their sales. I don't know about other people but I don't think it's very cool. Running off to Vegas to get married=fun. Running off to McDonald's to get married=lame!

I really don't think this will help McDonald's whatsoever. Ideas?

Read the article